Diana Rjabynina, LL.M.*
Attorney-at-law / VAT & Taxation
Diana* is specialized in international trade, customs and tax law.
Her focus and special interests are customs and tax (criminal) (OLAF) investigations and litigation before both Belgian courts and the CJEU. She further advises clients on international matters regarding direct and indirect taxation in Belgium, such as matters related to double taxation, permanent establishments, cross border working activities, customs and VAT obligations etc., with a special focus on Belgian-German activities.
Diana is bilingual (Dutch & Russian) and fluent in German, English and French. She is member of several international organisations (IBA, AIJA, SGAC) and professional tax related networks (WIRAS, ETL, BATL), as well as Treasurer of the Deutscher Anwaltverein Belgien, which connects German and German-speaking lawyers in Belgium.
Diana studied at the KU Leuven (LL.M., cum laude and LL.M. Tax law, cum laude), the University of Antwerp, the ULB and the Universität zu Köln.